Host, Meditation & Mindfulness Guide
I teach relaxation. Through movement and mindfulness, I take people to a space of quietude and silence which they may not have experienced before. Having been brought up in an environment of meditation, it informs my life.
I have a passion for optimum health, and I try to walk my talk! Combining the best of the East, my birthplace and the West, my adopted home, I try to convey a sense of Easy is Right – an old Taoist saying. When the shoe fits, it does not bite!
I bring integrity to my work that is experiential.

Shruti’s career highlights:
The following information provides an overview as to some of Shruti’s incredible achievements:
- Worked for Osho International Meditation Resort where I was made the chief PR
- Started a Meditation in the Marketplace resource in Somerset, UK
- Part of a team in creating an organic vegetarian restaurant which was voted amongst the top 7 in the UK by the BBC Good Food Guide
- Created an 8-week course OSHO Meditation Based Relaxation for stress reduction
- Was the first in the UK to create a Mindful Cooking course based in teaching Mindfulness and vegetarian cooking
Specialises in:
- Meditation and Mindfulness
- Somatic Movement Coach
- Gurdjieff Movements
- OSHO Meditation Based Relaxation
Languages spoken:
- English
- Hindi
- Marathi
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