“Your happiness, enthusiasm, smile and attitude, always willing and ready are the most beautiful gifts you offer your guests while visiting our beloved Italy”
Speciality Chef
“I am a challenge seeker and an adrenalin addict and as such, I believe one should experience the most of life, always reaching out to new boundaries and adventures.
As your personal chef and travel companion, it is my pleasure to lead you through new culinary horizons with loving attention and careful guiding skills.
Let me take you on a personal quest, through flavours and ingredients after which the world will taste different to you.”

Ben’s career highlights:
The following information provides an overview as to some of Ben’s incredible achievements:
- Paragliding pilot
- Tourism company entrepreneur and owner
- Master chef contender
- University lecturer
Languages spoken:
- English
- Italian
- Hebrew
Specialises in:
- Creative Cooking
- Travel companion
- Wine expert
- Culinary cultures
- Agro tourism
- Italian food
Current location:
- Israel
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